Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about when photography started for you?

I'm Rose, a photographer based in the UK, specializing primarily in travel, portrait, and surf photography. Although my interest in photography began at a young age, it initially involved borrowing my dad's camera to capture moments with friends and family during holidays. At that time, I never considered sharing my work, unaware that photography could be a viable career option.

About a year ago, my perspective shifted while I was living in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. During this period, my friends and I enthusiastically curated Pinterest mood boards with conceptual ideas, consistently waking up early to capture breathtaking sunrises. As we produced compelling work, we started collaborating with local brands, and I began to realize the potential for a more serious pursuit of photography.

Shortly thereafter, I secured a position as a videographer and photographer for Solid Surf House, a travel and surf company. In my current role, I have the opportunity to work and travel the world, combining my passion for photography with my love for adventure.

What brought you to Costa Rica and what were the most enjoyable parts of living there?

I initially arrived in Costa Rica to take on the role of a Social Host at Lapoint, a surf camp in Santa Teresa, for a planned three-month stint. However, those initial three months extended to six, prompting me to return after spending Christmas back home and settle in town for an additional four months.

The most enjoyable aspect of my experience was undeniably the people. In Santa Teresa, a quaint town where everyone becomes acquainted swiftly, I cherished the simplicity of shared activities, such as the nightly ritual of watching the sunset and the early morning routine of rising at 5 am to catch the sunrise while surfing. My time there allowed me to gain profound insights into their culture, cuisine, and the significance of community within the town's populace.

What do you love the most about photography?

Soooo many things! One of my favorite aspects is the ability to capture a moment that enables people to fill in the blanks of what they don't already know. Each person can interpret the story behind a photo slightly differently, and I find that diversity intriguing.

Photography also provides others with a glimpse into the photographer's mind and how they perceive the world. If you were to enlist 10 photographers to capture the same moment, each resulting photo would be entirely distinct and authentic to the individual.

Do you engage in any creative outlets aside from photography? Do these activities complement your photography or provide you with a much-needed break?

Outside of photography, I spend a significant amount of time surfing. It not only helps clear my head but also provides another area for me to focus on improvement. I would say that surfing complements my photography immensely, as the two pursuits combined have influenced the type of content I prefer to photograph. In the past year, I've actively worked on maintaining both interests, which ultimately led me to my current job, allowing me to continue traveling and experiencing new places.

What is the best part about travelling as a photographer?

The combination of travel and photography serves as a catalyst for my creativity. The prospect of arriving in a new place never fails to excite me, triggering an influx of new ideas and potential shooting locations.

Moreover, the people I've encountered during my travels have played a significant role in inspiring and advancing my work. Without a formal photography education, I've acquired my knowledge through resources like YouTube and trial and error. Traveling has facilitated encounters with numerous photographers from diverse fields, each imparting unique insights into the industry and contributing to my continuous learning.

What has been one of your favourite photo shoots so far?

Back in May 2022, my friend and I undertook the challenge of shooting an entire collection for my swimwear brand, Cilia Swim, within a span of two days. Despite the unfavorable conditions, with the weather being too cold for bikini shoots and sporadic rain throughout the day, we persevered.

We made the most out of the situation we were in, and the most rewarding feeling came when we saw the final photos and witnessed my friend's reaction to them.

What’s next for you?

For the next six months, I'll be in Sri Lanka and Bali, working as a videographer and photographer for Solid Surf House. On the side, I plan to collaborate with various individuals and brands for freelance shoots in each destination.

Additionally, I'm eager to advance my surf photography by venturing into the water with my camera. This kind of work really excites me and I love the idea of being right up close to where all the action is!


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